Archive for the ‘eBook cover design’ Category

10 Sep

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Free, Software Box Photoshop Action!

Hi everyone!,
We posted earlier in the week that we were going to release another
free eCoverSuiteElite software box action. So, true to our word here it is.

Click here to Download the free software box action

We simply hope that you enjoy it, use it, and it would be absolutely
awesome if you could spread the word about it!

Take it easy,

When you’re ready for more, Check out the full version! – eCoverSuiteElite (ebook cover software)

13 May

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We’re translating the full suite! – eCoverSuiteElite

It’s been in the plan for some time now to try and re-create the full set of eCoverSuiteElite Photoshop actions with multiple language support. At the time of writing they are currently only compatible with the English version of Photoshop, and as such you can’t use the actions if you’re working on the Chinese version etc.

Loads of you have written in prompting us to convert them to Spanish, and we’ve also had a quite a number of requests for a German version also. So today, we’re starting the epic task of rescripting and rewriting our ebook cover actions – so they work across the world! (Or at least in the Spanish/German versions anyway)

All we ask is that you wish us luck, this task may take some time 🙂
Want us to try and rescript eCoverSuiteElite to work in your version of photoshop?
– Let us know, Leave a comment below!

Update May 21st : We’re making good progress with the conversions and beta tests, so we’re hoping (as long as we don’t run into any major hiccups) to make the German & Spanish versions of our eCoverSuiteElite ebook cover actions available near the end of this month or beginning of next month! – So stay tuned.

09 Feb

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Top 10 stock photo sites you should add to your design toolbox – Right now!

If you haven’t already compiled your own ‘Best of’ list of stock photo sites, no problem – we’re about to share with you our list of top 10 favourite stock photography sites on the web.

Most designers these days use a collection of Image sites that they can call upon when they really need an image appropriate to the work they’re doing. If you plan on designing ebook covers, eCovers or websites for a living, then it’s probably best that you find your own too.

Some designers choose to stick to popular sites like – BigStockPhoto or 123RF, and download all their images from 1 or 2 sites, but there are others who like to mix things up a bit and use a larger selection.

Since using stock photos in design is pretty much essential, we thought we’d share with you our own ‘swipe file’ of favourite Stock Photography websites. The following list is a small compilation of the websites we go to when we need new or just plain awesome images for our ebook designs, website designs and other work. It’s a short list (in comparison to what else is out there), but it’ll definately get you started – visit the sites, try them out, and tell us which one you like best.

So, in no particular order, here’s the selection we like to use…

Go check ’em out!

All the best and to your success,
– eCoverSuiteElite